
Showing posts from December, 2017

Complete Me

Complete Me... - The soulful world is complete only with a true companion by you in the adventures of your journey to the end together. Y ou know, I am incomplete without you Just wish to see you Just want to meet you Just want to ask you Will you come and complete me? The night is dark Bring the stars and complete me The days are cold Share your warmth and complete me The sunshine feels sad Lend your happiness and complete me My songs seem silent Only the magic of your music completes me Chapters of my book seem incomplete Ink your dreams on them to complete me I feel imperfect without you Empty without you Impossible without you Love to me is just being with you Make me perfect Make me full Make me possible Tough being lonely Make me tinder being with me. My sky feels still Send your clouds and complete me Just a drop without you Want to be the sea with you . Always incomplete without you Please complete me